Today’s Spotlight: Pandemic Legacy Board Games

Today’s Spotlight: Pandemic Legacy Board Games

Pandemic is a cooperative board game where players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand. You and your team are the only things standing in the way of deadly diseases that threaten the world. The fate of humanity is in your hands! First published in 2007, the game's unique combination of cooperative gameplay, engrossing premise, and compelling design have proved a hit with everyone from hardcore gamers to casual players.

While most games have no “memory” and start with a blank slate, Legacy games like Pandemic Legacy Season 1 & 2 stretch the tension over a game year. It’s a campaign; it’s an unfolding story of trying to save the world against diseases that evolve in quite horrible ways; it’s a battle for raw survival. They have an overarching story-arc played through 12-24 sessions, depending on how well your group does at the game.  Actions have consequences from one game to the next as you strive to avert global disaster in this stand-alone epic twist on Pandemic. During the campaign, new rules and components will be introduced. These will sometimes require you to permanently alter the components of the game; this includes writing on cards, ripping up cards, and placing permanent stickers on components. Your characters can gain new skills, or have detrimental effects. A character can even be lost entirely, at which point it's no longer available for play.


The entire Pandemic series is highly rated on Board Game Geek with Pandemic Legacy Season 1 ranked as 2nd of ALL board games.

The Pandemic series includes the base game and fun variations such as Fall of Rome, Cthulu, Contagion, The Cure and Rising Tide. Each of these offer new mechanics with new themes.

They are available at!

We’ll update this article as more information becomes available.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date with all of Clockwork’s newest information and events.

Good games to you all!

Gear Up, Game On!

- Kelly Moore is a board game enthusiast and General Manager of Clockwork Games & Events

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